How to apply honey on a wound
Important:The information in this post does not constitute medical advice. Wounds that are not healing should be seen by a professional medical practitioner.
For centuries now honey has been used as an effective remedy for wounds, burns and ulcers. In recent years there has been renewed interest in the medicinal properties of honey. Much of this research is being carried out by a team of people working at the Waikato Honey Research Unit, New Zealand.
Honey dressings are used as a topical antibacterial agent to treat wound infections. In cases where antibiotics and antiseptics are ineffective wounds respond well to honey. Honey benefits the healing process, resulting in minimal scarring.
- 1. Make sure the wound is clean
- 2. The easiest option is to apply the honey on a sterile dressing. Slightly warming the honey makes it more fluid.
- 3. Cover with a clean gauze or bandage
- 4. The honey dressing should be changed at least once a day depending on the seriousness of the infection.
There are pads pre-impregnated with honey on the market for a more convenient alternative. if pre-impregnated dressings are not available, spreading the honey on the dressing is preferred. Instead of on the wound.
Which honey should I use?
"Honey is one of the oldest foods in existence and was an ancient remedy for wound healing. It was found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun and was still edible as it never spoils."
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