Scar reviews | How to look critically and be cautious with conclusions
If you take a look at scar reviews on for example epinions you will see roughly 2 out of 3 reviews are positive. I really think, not only with scar product reviews but with all that you must weigh the negative comments heavier.
First of all there is the common argument that the manufacturer of a product puts positive reviews there. Well this argument is not valid because the competitor can also place negative reviews.
Reasons why to weigh negative comments heavier are:
Many times scars improve. The product is not always necessarily the cause of this improvement. As I always advice: use a moisturizing cream to massage the scar. Any cream will do as long as it hydrates. Because a moist environment is beneficial to scar reduction. There is clinical evidence for this. But apart from that no scar cream is proven effective on scars.
So a percentage of the positive reviews should not be taken into account because I strongly believe the scar would have improved with any hydrating cream.
Cognitive dissonance is another reason. When you have bought an expensive scar cream you'll want it to work even more. The believe in the product increases. The knowledge of the product being not effective will be compensated with an unrealistic view.
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