Starting Scar Treatment
The most ideal scar treatment starts with proper wound care. In contrary to popular belief a wound should be kept moist. If the wound dries out a scab will form and scabbing will result in more scar tissue.
A very effective wound care product is Manuka honey or products based on Manuka honey. There are scar creams, wound dressings and other products available. Applying normal Manuka honey can involve risks. It should only be done on minor cuts and burns.
With more serious wounds it is strongly recommended to use medical grade Manuka honey. This is honey that is sterilized by gamma irradiation so it can be used safely on all kinds of wounds and burns.
Manuka honey is known for its hydrating, antibacterial, antiseptic and other healing properties. Efficient wound care is the first step in effective scar treatment and can really add to the final outcome of the scar appearance.
The following link provides extended information about Manuka honey and it's unique health benefits.
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